intolerance” is approved.
Source: Official Register Supplement 52 October 2, 2019. MINISTRY OF PRODUCTION, FOREIGN TRADE, INVESTMENT AND FISHERIES
The following regulations are repealed in their entirety:
The following regulations are repealed in their entirety:
The following rules are approved and formalized as volunteers:
The following regulations are repealed in their entirety:
The following regulations are repealed in their entirety:
Modification 3 of the Ecuadorian Technical Regulations RTE INEN 136 (1R) “Motorcycles” is approved and formalized as mandatory.
disposed of, lifting restrictions on the importation of products, by-products
and derivatives of poultry origin from Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy,
Africa and Egypt.
Source: Official Register 54 October 4, 2019.
Regulation on dissolution, liquidation, cancellation and reactivation of
national companies and revocation of the operating permit of branches of
foreign companies. With its validity, resolutions No.
SCVS-INC-DNCDN-2016-010 of September 21, 2016, published in the Official
Supplement Register No. 868 of October 24, 2016; and, and No.
SCVS-INC-DNCDN-2016-012 of November 23, 2016, published in the Official
Register No. 913 of December 30, 2016, which dealt with said procedure.
compliance with the constitutional guarantees of due process and the right to
defence, the terms of all tax administrative processes and the statutes of
limitation of the collection action are suspended; during the days 08. 09 and
October 10, 2019.
and requirements for the return of the Currency Exit Tax (ISD) paid for
commissions abroad for inbound tourism service are established.
No. NAC-DGERCGC19-00000049 The norms are issued to establish the adjustment
factors in income tax determination processes originated in case of detriment
of the taxable capacity of taxpayers, in processes of direct or presumptive
determination through communications of differences and payment settlements.
granted to all those employers who had:
year, so that they can register the information of the workers in the SUT.
this year, so that they can prepare and record the settlement certificates and
their proof of payment in the SUT.
Puente & Asociados.